Slide Progressions
Slide Progressions

Key Points:
- Lead with eyes, turn hands and hips
- Push with full blade on ice
- Seal five hole
Progression #1
- Start at elbow of crease
- Slide to opposite post
- Square up
- Push to elbow
- Slide to opposite post
- Push back to original position
- Repeat
Progression #2
- Start at elbow of crease
- T-Push to top middle of crease
- Slide to back post
- Take shot and deflect to corner
- Repeat
Progression #3
- Start on blocker side post
- T-Push to top middle of crease
- Slide back to post to take shot off blocker
- deflect puck to corner
Progression #4
- Start on glove side post
- T-Push to top middle of crease
- Slide back to post to take shot into glove