Höstlovscamp Diö Hockey
Höstlovscamp Diö Hockey
Ispass 1
1. Startat med uppvärmning i 10 min
2. Vattenpaus
3. Delar upp en zon i 2 stationer (Ryssvändning och 2 skott i rörelse). Bygger upp en sarg (10 delar) för att dela av stationerna. vi kör stationerna i 10 -15 min innan gör ett skifte och byter stationer,
4. Vattenpaus
5. Använder de 2 ytterzonerna för Battery Hockey Figure 8 Shooting Drill & 7 Pass Transition Shooting Drill. 10 - 15 min
6. Vi avslutar passet med en straffturnering, Five Puck Scoring Race
Barnen delas upp i två grupper där dem får som uppgift att skapa/rita upp en varsin övning med 1-3 fokusområden.
Ispass 2
1. utöva de 2 övningarna barnen har skapat/ritat upp 20- 30 min. (finns en extra övning i planen nedan ifall barnen inte får ihop någon övning)
2. Avsluta med spel /turnering
2 vs. 0 Rush Series #1
This passing drill is the first in a series of progressions. These drills work on passing, zone entry, and how to attack the net with two players. In this first series the players will go down one side of the ice making as many passes as possible. As they start to enter the zone it is important that the player on the inside (P2) passes to the outside player (P1) and drives hard to the net. Player 1 drives wide and will then pass the puck to P2 at the far post as they are driving hard to the net with their stick on the ice. P2 has to stop at the net and then go below the goal line and puck up a new puck as they head up ice. P1 will skate up ice and transition backwards. The two players will pass back and forth as many times as possible before P1 gets to the far blue line. At the far blue line P1 will transition forward while maintaining possession of the puck. This time they will drive wide and shoot right when they get around the tire.
Ansvarig ledare: Jocke
Material: 2 däck, 2 målburar
Ansvarig ledare: Jocke
Material: 1 sarg, 3-4 däck, 1 målbur
2 skott i rörelse
passa och mottagning av pass.
2 skott (gärna direktskott)
Byte av åkriktningar
Ansvarig ledare: Johan
Material: 4 däck, 1 målbur
Battery Hockey Figure 8 Shooting Drill
A shooting exercise demonstrated by Cam Atkinson and Kole Sherwood of the Columbus Blue Jackets at The Battery Hockey Academy. The drill allows for 6 shots on net and helps players work on shooting off of the pass in 3 different setups while they receive pucks on two sides of the ice.
- The shooter receives a pass from each corner and they shoot in a stationary setting.
- After their second shot, they head to a cone and pivot facing the passer in the corner. They receive a pass and quickly fire a puck on net. After the shot they look to the opposite corner, pivot facing them and then receive a puck and shoot on net.
- After their fourth shot they perform a controlled turn around the cone, and receive a pass from the opposite corner. They take a quick shot and then receive a final pass after a controlled turn from the opposite corner.
- After the player shoots, they become a passer and one of the passers becomes the next shooter.
Coaching Points:
- The shooter must keep their stick on the ice and provide the passer a clear target as to where they want the puck.
- The shooter should keep both hands away from the body so they can easily pull back with the top hand and push with the bottom hand for a quick release.
- The passers can be set up in different areas of the ice.
- The shooter can work on different shooting techniques (snap shot, wrist shot, change shot angle).
- The cones can be set up in different areas.
- Can be a station with short passes or a half ice drill with longer passes.
Ansvarig Ledare: Jocke
Materail: 2 däck, 1 målbur
7 Pass Transition Shooting Drill
A high tempo hockey drill that works on one-touch passing, transitions, shooting off the pass with quick shots, and following shots to the net. This drill can be setup as a cross-ice drill inside of the blueline (like it is shown in the video above), or set up as a station for shorter passes.
- Can be set up as half ice or as a station (view how it would look as a station at the bottom of this post). A smaller space will provide the opportunity for shorter, quicker passes.
- Players: place players at both sides of the ice on the hash marks of the face-off circle.
- Cones: Place two cones on the top of the face-off circle that players will transition around.
- The 7 Passes: The first player (Player 1) in line will start the drill off by making a pass to the player (Player 2) that is waiting in line on the other side of the ice. Player 1 will skate directly at Player 2, present a target and receive a pass back from Player 2. Player 1 will one touch the pass back to Player 2 and transition around the cone. Player 2 then passes to Player 3 (who was waiting in line behind Player 1) on the other side of the ice. Player 1 will skate directly at Player 3 to receive a pass, and then pass back to player 3. Player 1 transitions around the second cone, receives a pass from Player 3 and looks to get a quick shot on net.
- Variations: Add obstacles that players must shoot around after they receive the 7th pass.
- Players should make flat passes with soft hands. Slapping the puck results in in-accurate passes and wobbly pucks.
- Players should transition while facing the puck at all times.
- Receive and shoot the puck quickly after the 7th pass.
- Quickly shooting in stride or changing the shot angle can help to surprise the goalie.
- Make sure the player follows to the net to look for rebounds.
Below is an overhead view of how the drill looks like when set up in a smaller station space.
Ansvarig ledare: Johan
Material: 2 däck, 1 målbur
Five Puck Scoring Race - Half Ice
The five puck race can be done with a half-ice sheet. Instead of the players lined up on the bench, they will be lined up on the red line. Place the two nets on the goal line inline with the dots and the five pucks spaced out on the blue line (as shown). The same rules apply to the half-ice setup as the full ice setup. If a player scores they have to skate back to the blue line before the next player can go. If they do not score they have to retrieve the puck and place it back on the blue line before the next player can go. This is a fun game the kids will absolutely love.
Ansvarig ledare: Jocke
Material: 1 målbur
Continuous One Touch Shooting Drill
This is a good half ice hockey drill that works on one-touch passing, transitions, quick shots, and following shots to the net. To set up the drill place one player along the goal line in-line with the dots. Place two lines just inside the blue line also in-line with the dots, these two lines have the pucks. The first player (Player 1) in line will make a pass to the player on the goal line (Player 2) and skate directly at them. The two players on-touch the puck back and forth as many times as possible. Once Player 1 gets below the dot they transition towards the wall and facing Player 2. The players continue to one-touch the puck as Player 1 skates up the wall, around the top of the circle, and into the slot. When Player 1 receives the puck in the slot they take a quick shot and follow their shot to the net. After the last pass Player 2 will also go to the net looking for a rebound. Player 1 then continues to the other side along the goal line and becomes Player 2 as the drill now starts from the other side. The original Player 2 now goes to the end of the line.
Coaching Points
- Players should make flat passes with soft hands.
- Slapping the puck results in in-accurate passes and wobly pucks.
- Players should transition while facing the puck at all times.
- Receive and shoot in one motion when in the slot.
- Make sure both players follow shots to the net.
Ansvarig ledare: Jocke
Material: 1 målbur