Diö Hockey Onsdag #1
Diö Hockey Onsdag #1
De 3 viktiga fokuspunkterna
- Puckbehandling i olika åkriktningar
- Passningar ta emot och ge en passning (give and go)
- Spel. att få förståelse få fördela att använda sina lagkamrater
- Omklädning, Teori, genomgång av träningsupplägg 30 min
- Isträning 60 min
- Uppvärmning på is
- 4 stationer - 10 min vardera
- Avslut med spel plan 1 C2 (storlek och regler), plan 2 C1 (storlek och regler)
Warm Up Delay
This hockey drill focuses on timing through the neutral zone and a delay in the offensive zone. Divide the players in to four equal lines. Place the four lines as shown in the diagram. The lines on the inside have the pucks. The drill starts when P1 skates up the boards and cuts to the middle of the ice to receive a pass from P4. P4 has to time their move so they are making a pass when P1 is in a good position to receive the pass in the middle of the ice. After P1 receives the pass they carry the puck into the offfensive zone and do an escape move towards the boards to buy time for P4. P1 then makes a pass to P4 for a shot on net. Right after P1 receives the pass, the next two players start the drill in the opposite direction.
Försvar till anfall 2 vs. 2
Tränar skjuter ner puck i hörnet.
Försvarare passar tillbaka pucken till tränaren och blir anfallare
7 Pass Transition Shooting Drill
A high tempo hockey drill that works on one-touch passing, transitions, shooting off the pass with quick shots, and following shots to the net. This drill can be setup as a cross-ice drill inside of the blueline (like it is shown in the video above), or set up as a station for shorter passes.
- Can be set up as half ice or as a station (view how it would look as a station at the bottom of this post). A smaller space will provide the opportunity for shorter, quicker passes.
- Players: place players at both sides of the ice on the hash marks of the face-off circle.
- Cones: Place two cones on the top of the face-off circle that players will transition around.
- The 7 Passes: The first player (Player 1) in line will start the drill off by making a pass to the player (Player 2) that is waiting in line on the other side of the ice. Player 1 will skate directly at Player 2, present a target and receive a pass back from Player 2. Player 1 will one touch the pass back to Player 2 and transition around the cone. Player 2 then passes to Player 3 (who was waiting in line behind Player 1) on the other side of the ice. Player 1 will skate directly at Player 3 to receive a pass, and then pass back to player 3. Player 1 transitions around the second cone, receives a pass from Player 3 and looks to get a quick shot on net.
- Variations: Add obstacles that players must shoot around after they receive the 7th pass.
- Players should make flat passes with soft hands. Slapping the puck results in in-accurate passes and wobbly pucks.
- Players should transition while facing the puck at all times.
- Receive and shoot the puck quickly after the 7th pass.
- Quickly shooting in stride or changing the shot angle can help to surprise the goalie.
- Make sure the player follows to the net to look for rebounds.