Passing & Puck Handling Progression

Key Points:

  • Elbow up (so blad is flat on the ice)
  • Forward weight transfer in front leg
  • Head and eyes up

Progression #1:

  • Start in net
  • Move to outside of net on blocker side
  • Catch puck on forehand
  • Make pass back to coach

Progression #2

  • Start in net
  • Move to outside of net on glove side
  • Catch puck on forehand
  • Make pass back to coach

Progression #3

  • Catch puck on outside of pylon with forehand
  • Move to other side of pylon
  • Make pass back to coach on forehand

Progression #4

  • Catch puck on outside of pylon with forehand
  • move to other side of pylon
  • Make pass back to coach using backhand