Introduction to Angling
Introduction to Angling

My Notes
Drill Setup:
- 2 lines of players. 1 line is ahead of the other line so that is clear 1 line will easily win the race for the puck. "If you cannot meet or beat the puck it is an angling situation!"
- Puck goes into the corner. Player 1 takes an angle and goes to get the puck. Player 2 attempts to angle player #1 off and take the puck away. See below for multiple options and drill fow.
- Introduction to Angling - This option is what is shown in the video above. To review and start X1 (player getting puck) lets X2 angle them off. Puck goes into the corner. X1 retrieves it and skates up the wall. X2 angles X1 off separating them from the puck. X2 should practice a good angle combined with hitting through the hands. X1 should practice staying near wall to absorb hit. If there is a net X2 goes takes a shot.
- 1 v 1 Angle, No cutting off the wall - Drill is now a 1 v 1 but X1 must stay along the wall with the puck. They are not allowed to cut off the wall to the middle to beat X2. There only option is to beat X2 with speed up the wall. This is to give X2 the advantage and continue to practice ability to angle X1 off. Whoever has the pucks gets to shoot if using a net.
- 1 v 1 Angling Drill - No rules. Play it live 1 v 1. X2's job is to angle and take out X1. X1 job is to expose X2 angle and/or use body contact skills to not allow X2 to take the puck from them. If using a net can keep score with how many goals scored (split into 2 teams). If no net can keep score by who skates the puck past the blue or red lines.
Drill Purpose:
- Purpose oft his drill is to introduce the topic of angling. It also brings back the skills boards checking, playing in contact skills (offensive &defensive) and hitting through the hands.