Youth Hockey Follow Along Off-Ice Workout
Youth Hockey Follow Along Off-Ice Workout

This office workout is a good one fora all age levels because there are no weights or props involved. You can do this in a relatively small space too. In this workout you will do all six exercises listed below one after the other with minimal rest between exercises. After you complete all 6 exercises you will rest for 90 seconds and then do them all again. Do the entire series 3 times. For specific instructions on each exercise be sure to watch the video above.
Split Squat Jumps
3 sets of 3 per leg
Prisoner Reverse Lunges
3 sets of 5 per leg
Flutter Kicks
3 sets of 10 per leg
Broad Jumps
3 sets of 6
Prisoner Forward Lunges
3 sets of 5 per leg
A6: Plank w/ Elbow to Knee Touches
3 sets of 10 per side