Net Drive & Angle Drill
Net Drive & Angle Drill

Drill Setup:
- 2 Lines on goal line. Inside line has pucks (offense).
- Outside line are the defenders.
- On whistle the offensive player is skating from the goal line around the cones in the neutral zone and curling back into the offensive zone.
- The defender is performing a sharp turn around the dot and then fronting and angling the offensive player. The defender doesn't go around the cones.
- The players play the puck out.
Drill Purpose:
- Two purposes of the drill are angling and net driving.
- With angling we are looking for the angler to be patient, take back ice and force the offensive player down the wall and to outside/corner.
- Player should use their stick to steer the offensive player and go stick on stick and body on body to create a turnover.
- For the net drive player we are looking for good weight shift puck protect position, good playing in contact skills (cut through defenders hands and gain the corner) as well as use of changes of speed.
- To start I recommend performing the drill with the rule that the offensive player is not allowed to turn back and must drive the net. This forces them into using other skills such as changes of speed or fake turns to throw off the angling player. In addition, being an intro angling drill it allows the angler to get used to angling a player and creating contact.
- As players improve angling skills then can allow the offensive player the ability to turn away and protect the puck if unable to get to the net.
Common Mistakes:
- Angling player giving up the middle of the ice and not being patient. Angling player looking at the puck and not taking the body. Net drive player skating toward the corner and not cutting through the contacts hands to gain body position. Net drive player not using proper positioning to protect the puck (exposing the puck to defender).