
Driva puck
Driva pucken, dribbla utmana sig själv.
1 visselsignal åka lugnt.
2 visselsignaler åka max. (ca 6-12 sek)

översteg passning
Blå börjar utan puck, översteg runt cirkeln, visar att han vill ha en passning, ta emot pucken, tar med sig pucken, passar nästa blå och fortsätter utan puck för att ta emot en ny passning och gå mot avslut.
Röd ska direkt efter slagit passen snabbt åka runt målburen för att möta upp högt i slottet, backa med anfallaren och driva blå ut till sidan

Clone of Dragning frånvändning
Långa dragningar vid hindret. Vändning till baklänges (mohawk), lång dragning, direktskott. Skydda pucken!

3 vs 3 Cross Ice
This is a basic cross ice 3 vs 3. Depending on your numbers and the age level you can do 4 vs 4 as well. Keep in mind one of the goals is to get every player engaged and a lot of puck touches.
Set Up
Place two nets cross ice facing each other with three players from each team in the playing area. In this set up the goals are moved up to the face-off dots. This allows more space behind the nets and allows for more plays and shots on net. Allow the players to play for 60 - 90 seconds then blow the whistle for a shift change.
Half Ice Slalom Races
Add some competition to your practice with this drill while working on footspeed, agility, control turns, and scoring. If you have access to two nets then split your half of the ice into two equal sections as shown in the diagram. Line the nets up even with the face off dots and place one line on each side. The tires or cones should be set up as shown.
On the whistle players start by going to the outside of the first tire. At the last tire the players do a control turn all the way around the tire starting on the inside. The coach will play a 50/50 puck towards the net and the players will compete for the puck the first player to touch the puck is on offense and the second player becomes the defender and backchecks against the player with the puck.