Connected Wednesday
Connected Wednesday
Connected: Quick Together
2:15 - pre-scout meeting
Wise Drill
The Wise Drill from Coach TJ Manastersky is designed to work on offensive concepts, such as neutral zone transition, offensive zone entries, and offensive zone attack.
TJ Manastersky shared this game with the IHS Community while he was an Assistant Coach at Union College. TJ is the Current Head Coach at Brock University in St. Catharines, Ontario.
- Starts with pucks in all 4 corners.
- Forwards are in opposite corners and defenders are on opposite blue lines.
- Both sides go at the same time.
- On the whistle, the defenders step out at the blue line and begins skating backwards.
- F1 jumps out with a puck and exchanges passes with the defender on their side.
- F2 in the opposite corner, jumps out and times his skate to receive a flat pass from the defender at full speed.
- This creates a 3 on 0 zone entry (two forwards & 1 defender). Coaches can work on different zone entry techniques.
- After a shot is made, one forward stays in front of the net, while another forward picks a puck up in the corner, and the defender gets to the point. Coaches can work on different offensive zone concepts here
Curry 3v4
3 Blue attackers attempt to score on far net. 4 Red defenders attempt to recover puck and transition to score on net at blue line. No skating backwards allowed in the neutral zone.
Forward starts with puck outside the zone, skates around the outside until whistle is blown then the play is live.
NZ Throw Pucks
5v5 from Neutral Zone faceoff. Possible 2nd puck on whistle to initiate another neutral zone re-group/fc situation.
PP PK Full Ice
Full Ice Power Play. Purple vs. White.