Competitive Station Games With No Goalies
Competitive Station Games With No Goalies

Please Note: The Practice of the Week is usually designed to be utilized across multiple age levels. With that being said, we highly encourage you to adjust the drills based on your team's age and skill levels. These drills and practices can be modified to become more basic or more advanced.
Practice Theme: The drills in this station based practice are designed to create competition & fun when no goalies are available. If you have goaltenders available, you can modify the games that are shown below, or you can view our list of 100+ small area games.
Practice Coaching Points:
Coaches: Keep score in every game listed below. The players competitive fire will start to come out if they know there is a goal, and you are keeping score. You can even divide all of the players on the ice in half and have a full Battle Practice (where you keep score of every game and award a winner at the end of practice).
Playing Habits: Coaches should reinforce good habits throughout practice, and players should be aware of them as they go through each station. 4 habits to consider reinforcing are:
- Have fun & work hard!
- Keep head up - scan the ice to be aware of threats, opportunities, and open space.
- Keep stick on the ice - keeping your stick on the ice will give your teammates a passing target when you are on offense, and help block passing lanes when you do not have the puck.
- Communicate with teammates - when playing, let them know if you are open or pressure is coming. If you are watching from the sidelines, support and cheer for your teammates!