Shot Blocking


Practice Notes


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Coaching Clips

MacKinnon and Aube-Kubel Block Shots with Good Technique

Blocking shots has become and integral part of the game. To be good at blocking shots you need a lot of courage but you also need to have good technique. Making yourself big and not allowing any holes where the puck can go through your body are very important. If you make yourself big but you have holes then it actually makes it harder for the goalie to track the puck.

What to Watch

  • Both MacKinnon and Aube-Kubel turn slightly sideways with the knee closest to the shooter down on the ice.
  • Their chest is upright with their head turned away from the shot.
  • The hand closest to the shooter has the padding facing the shooter and is covering the hole between the legs.
  • After that is all COURAGE, they stand their ground knowing they are in the shooting lane.

Simple Cycle Down Low by Bruins

This is a good clip to show young players if you are introducing them to cycling the puck. This is a simple cycle down low by the Bruins that leads to a scoring chance.

What to Watch

  • Boston forward protects the puck as they come up the wall.
  • They cycle it down low to the corner where they have support, notice there is good spacing between the two players.
  • After cycling the puck the player moves to the slot area to become a threat which opens up ice for the new puck carrier coming up the wall.
  • Overall it opens up space higher in the zone because the defense is forced to collapse inside the dots.


No Off-Ice Exercises have been added to this practice.