Practice Notes


Billy Purcell Off the Wall
Use Drill Variation
Wrap Puck Protection Progression
Both Ends
2 v 2 Rim Game
Both Ends
Go Go
Both Ends
Davos Game
Everyone or run with 3 v 3 Split Zone
3 vs. 3 Split Zone Game
Both Ends or run with Davos 2v2
2 vs 2 Corner Battle Tag Up
Multiple Corners
Puck Retrieval Along The Boards

Please Note: The Practice of the Week is designed to bring value across multiple age levels. You can use this to build ideas to develop your own practice.  With that being said, we highly encourage you to adjust the drills based on your team's age and skill levels. IHS should always be used as a starting point and you can add/remove constraints to fit your team.

We do not recommend having 7 drills in a practice, but we wanted there to be options for multiple age levels.  Please copy the practice into your library and edit for your team.

This practice plan encourages players to develop wall play skills that can be utilized in every area of the ice. The practice starts with low-pressure repetitions on wall retrievals for and then progresses to use the skills in various live game play situations.

Coaching Points

  1. Encourage players to explore different variations of wall pick-ups and adding in the use of deception in their ability to retrieve pucks along the walls. 
  2. After you pick the puck from the wall, protect it and work to get off the wall and into space to make a play
  3. This is a great practice for defenders to work on angles, body positioning and stick detail along the wall

Practice Diagram


Drill Variation: After the player gets off the wall, have him/her curl back towards the boards to provide a rim/bank to the next player so they can work on picking the puck up off the wall. 

Station Number: 
Use Drill Variation
Station Number: 
Both Ends
Station Number: 
Both Ends

Have the coach go to the end of the boards if possible to start each rep with a wrap.

Station Number: 
Both Ends

Start each game with a rim/wrap from the coach, encourage using the wall for passes to teammates.

Station Number: 
Everyone or run with 3 v 3 Split Zone

Emphasize switches and exchanges down low in 2 v 2 before working to the high player.

Station Number: 
Both Ends or run with Davos 2v2

Start each new puck with a rim/wrap.

Station Number: 
Multiple Corners


No systems have been added to this practice.

Coaching Clips

Kings Forward Initiates Contact with a Reverse Hit in Offensive Zone

This is a great clip to show your players on how to initiate body contact when you have the puck to protect is and create space, also known as a reverse hit.

What to Watch

  • In offensive zone possession the Kings' forward is being closed in on by a defender in the corner
  • The forward extends the possession & preserves his space by initiating contact into the defender 
  • The forward then spins off his check & keeps his fee moving to open ice to create more time and space
  • Play then extends low to high before the puck ends up at the net and a rebound goal is scored

Coyle Cutback Off Wall Retrieval Below Goal Line

A sharp cutback can be a great skill to master to create time and space down low in the offensive zone. Charlie Coyle does a masterful job in this clip.

What to Watch

  • Before Coyle retrieves the puck off the wall his toes and head show that he is going to continue up the wall.
  • Once he receives the puck uses a sharp cutback using the inside edge of his left skate and outside edge of his right skate to make a sharp cutback.
  • After the cutback he keeps his feet moving to create separation, giving his time and space to make a play.

Kirill Kaprizov Puck Protection

From Topher Scott:

Puck protection is one of the most important skills in hockey. This is a great clip from Kaprizov to show your players on 3 key fundamentals:

  1. Recognize where pressure is coming from
  2. Use your body to shield puck from pressure
  3. Make the Play After

What to Watch

  • Kaprizov has great body positioning to shield the puck from the defender
  • He keeps his feet moving as the d-man is trying to pin him
  • He keeps his head to up to make a play after protecting the puck


No off-ice exercises have been added to this practice.