Deconstructing the Wrist Shot - Lesson 3 - Video 2. Shooting Off a Forehand Pass

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Welcome to Lesson 3 - Video 2 of the Deconstructing the Wrist Shot Video Series!

If you missed the other videos, find them here:

Lesson 1 - Video 1 - Getting the Proper Stick
Lesson 1 - Video 2 - Hand and Arm Positioning
Lesson 1 - Video 3 - Blade of Stick and Puck Placement
Lesson 1 - Video 4 - Body Positioning
Lesson 2 - Video 1 - Stationary Shooting
Lesson 2 - Video 2 - Shooting in Motion
Lesson 2 - Video 3 - Shooting Accuracy
Lesson 3 - Video 1 - Shooting Off a Stick Handle

This video focuses on receiving a forehand pass and quickly transitioning into a wrist shot. Proper hand positioning, puck control, and body mechanics are emphasized to ensure players can execute an efficient and accurate shot.

Coaching Points for Shooting Off a Forehand Pass:

  1. Hand Positioning:

    • Keep your hands away from your body with your top hand in the "headlock" position, allowing for better puck control and a quick shot transition.
    • Avoid tight or cramped hand positioning that forces you to readjust before shooting.
  2. Stick Placement:

    • Address the puck by keeping your stick near your body, just off your lead foot.
    • Ensure your blade is cupped, ready to cradle the puck upon reception.
  3. Puck Reception:

    • Cradle the puck softly to maintain control and prepare for the shot.
    • Immediately cup the blade by turning your knuckles down on the forehand side.
  4. Body Positioning:

    • Stay in a hockey-ready stance with your knees bent, shoulders square, and weight balanced for a quick weight transfer.
    • Keep your eyes up to assess your target and release the puck efficiently.
  5. Shooting Mechanics:

    • Transfer weight from your back foot to your front foot as you shoot.
    • Drive your shoulders towards the net, pushing down on the bottom hand to flex the stick and generate power.
    • Follow through with the blade and your bottom glove toward your target.
  6. Shot Release:

    • For a quick release, start the puck on the heel or middle of your blade.
    • Aim to minimize any unnecessary stick or puck movement, allowing for a faster, more deceptive shot.
  7. Game Scenarios:

    • Lateral Passes: Prepare your stick and body to quickly cradle and shoot when receiving a pass from the side.
    • Vertical Passes (Low to High): Extend your stick to receive the puck in front of your body, then quickly bring it into the shooting box to release the shot.

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