How to Teach Glide Turns

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This video teaches how to perform a glide turn in hockey, which is a smooth, wide turn that combines inside and outside edges to change direction efficiently.


Widen Your Base: Keep a wide stance during the glide turn, with one foot leading to maintain balance and edge control.
Use Both Edges: Lead with the outside edge of your leading foot and the inside edge of your trailing foot for a smooth glide through the turn.
Lead with Your Head: Turn your head first, followed by your shoulders, to guide the body smoothly through the turn.
Avoid Common Mistakes: Don't let your feet get too close together or shift back on your heels, as this can cause loss of balance and speed.
Stay in Proper Body Position: Keep your shoulders square, with knees bent and over your toes, to maintain stability throughout the turn.

These tips help players improve their ability to execute smooth glide turns while maintaining speed and balance.

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