Body Checking Basics

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This video covers the basics of body checking in hockey, focusing on the key concepts of making contact safely, separating the player from the puck, and how to properly give and receive checks.


Differentiate Between Body Contact and Body Checking: Body contact happens throughout the game, while body checking is a deliberate action to separate the player from the puck.
Maintain Good Body Position: Stay low with knees bent and weight on the balls of your feet to absorb or deliver a hit effectively.
Focus on Timing: Proper timing is crucial—if you hit too early or late, you risk being knocked off balance or missing the hit.
Use the Shoulder, Hips, or Hands: Players can check with their shoulders, hips, or both hands (together), but avoid hitting with the head or single-handed pushes.
Stay Aware of Head Safety: Protect your head during checks and avoid targeting the opponent’s head to prevent penalties or injuries.
Practice Angling: Use proper angling techniques to guide opponents into the boards or areas where you can effectively deliver a check.
Encourage Counter-Hits: Players can respond to a hit by pushing back with their legs and body to maintain balance and control the puck.
Keep Stick Controlled: Ensure your stick stays down and in control during a hit to avoid penalties like high-sticking.

These concepts help players practice giving and receiving checks in a safe, controlled manner, essential for improving this critical hockey skill.

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