3 Player - Every Pass a One Touch

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The 3 Player - Every Pass a One Touch drill from Darryl Beflry is from his practice plan, Parallel Teaching Structure - Passing Between Two Checks and One Touch Passing. This drill exactly what it states - 3 players work to pass the puck around the zone to each other but every pass must be a one touch. If a player fails to make a one touch, the next group of players is in.


  • Coach dumps puck into the zone and 3 players work to get the puck and make one touch passes to each other. When the players are unable to complete a one touch pass, the next group is in. Players can shoot and score on net.
  • For points, coaches can keep track of goals as 1 point and number of one touch passes as a point.

Coaching Points

  • Players should know where they want to pass the puck before they get it. This means that every player must keep their head up and know where their teammates are at all times.
  • Players should communicate with each other to let their teammates know where they are.
  • Players should keep their sticks on the ice to let teammates know where they would like the pass.
  • Players should keep moving.


  • Can perform this drill with 3, 4, or 5 players.
  • Can add 1 or 2 defending players to make it more of a challenge if needed.

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