Gretzky Coffey Game

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The Gretzky Coffey Game is a fun small area hockey game where one team has a "Gretzky" stationed behind the net and another team has a "Coffey" stationed at the blue line. The setup of the game allows for a lot of creativity with 8 players going at once.


  • Play takes place inside of one zone
  • Each team has 3 players who can move anywhere in the zone 
  • One team has a Gretzky who must stay behind the goal line
  • The other team has a Coffey who must stay inside the blue line and above the circles
  • The 3v3 players can't attack the Gretzky or the Coffey
  • To activate your team onto offense you must pass to your Gretzky or Coffey first 
  • Switch which team is Gretzky and which team is Coffey half way through
  • Keep score! 


  • Offensive players:
    • Players in the middle of the ice: work on give and go's! Pass and get open.
    • Players behind the net: know where you want to pass to before you get the puck. Use the net as protection and get creative.
    • Player at the blue line: use deception and don't be afraid to take a shot if you have net front presence
  • Defensive players:
    • Head on a swivel and know where all of the players are.
    • Keep stick on ice to block passing lanes.


  • Can be 2v2 or 3v3 in the middle of the ice
  • Can allow 1 or 2 "Gretzky's" or Coffey's
  • Can require players to only hold the puck for 1 or 2 seconds or a whistle is blown.

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