Triangle Passing Progression with 3 Players

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The Triangle Passing Progression with 3 Players from Darryl Belfry is from his practice plan, Parallel Teaching Structure - Passing Between Two Checks and One Touch Passing. This progression allows players to work on a variety of passing fundamentals. 


  • Have players split up into groups of 3. This can be set up in any area of the ice.
  • Each player should have a puck.
  • Progression 1: the group of 3 one touches a puck around to each other.
  • Progression 2: the group of 3 one touches a puck to each other but they work on the pass being quiet and smooth.
  • Progression 4: the group of 3 works on one touch passes with 2 pucks.
  • Progression 4: the group of 3 works on one touch passes with 3 pucks.

Coaching Points

  • Players should keep their sticks on the ice to let players know where they want the puck.
  • Players should make sure to pass to each others forehand to set up their partner to have an easy one touch pass.


  • Can be set up in all areas of the ice.
  • Can practice different passing techniques with this setup.

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