Skating Drills for Balance & Agility

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This video demonstrates basic balance and agility drills for hockey players, focusing on building comfort on skates and edge control through exercises like knee drops, jumps, and gliding.


Hockey Stance: Ensure players maintain a proper stance with knees bent, shoulders over knees, and head up for good balance and control.
Knee Drops: Practice controlled knee drops and getting back up without using hands or boards, focusing on balance and leg strength.
Jumps: Add jumps over lines, making sure players bend their knees when landing to avoid falling or rocking back and forth.
Backward Drills: Challenge players with backward knee drops and jumps to enhance agility and balance in both directions.
Squats: Have players perform squats while skating to strengthen their legs and improve stability, focusing on maintaining balance without leaning too far forward.
One-Leg Glides: Practice gliding on one foot over long distances to develop control and comfort on their skates.

These drills help players improve their balance and agility, building confidence and control on the ice.

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