The Power Play Flank Shooting Drill from Wes Wolfe focuses on power play shooting, emphasizing catch-and-release mechanics, incorporating bumper passes, and simulating game-like scenarios. It is designed to build habits and execution skills essential for a successful power play.
- Player Roles:
- One player acts as the bumper.
- A defenseman (or forward) simulates a flank player on the power play.
- A line of players with pucks prepares to start the drill.
- Goaltender: Positioned in net to challenge shots.
Initiating the Play:
- The first player in line passes to the bumper, who immediately passes the puck back.
- The puck is then quickly passed to the defenseman at the blue line.
Walking the Line:
- The defenseman walks the blue line, sprinting toward the middle while maintaining puck control.
- The initiating player climbs to simulate flank movement on the power play.
Seam Pass and Attack:
- The defenseman passes to the flank player (now in motion).
- The flank player uses the bumper as a simulated defender:
- Drives around the bumper.
- Cuts inside for a shot.
- The bumper provides token stick pressure but does not actively defend.
- The shooting player replaces the bumper for the next rep.
- The bumper rotates back to the line, and the next player begins.
- Defenders can rotate after each rep, or coaches can have players get reps at all 3 positions.
Key Teaching Points:
- Catch and Release: Emphasize quick puck handling and release to minimize delays in shooting opportunities.
- Positioning and Movement: Reinforce proper flank player positioning and high climbs to simulate real power play scenarios.
- Bumper Role: Highlight the importance of quick puck redirection and creating screen opportunities.
- Add defensive pressure to challenge puck movement and decision-making.
- Adjust shooting angles or use different passes to focus on specific skills.