Outside Edges - Strong Ankle

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This video focuses on improving hockey players' use of their outside edges while skating, emphasizing proper ankle positioning and body posture for effective edge work.

Coaching Bullet Points:

  • Avoid Rolling the Ankle: Do not roll your ankle or bend the boot when using the outside edge; maintain a strong, straight ankle to ensure power and control during turns.
  • Start Simple with One Foot: Begin practicing outside edges with wide, one-foot turns to build comfort and confidence. Use cones or gloves on the ice to guide the path.
  • Focus on Proper Body Position: Maintain a balanced stance with shoulders over knees and knees over toes. Avoid leaning too far forward or backward to maintain stability.
  • Feel the Edge Grip: Encourage players to feel the grip of the outside edge on the ice. As they become more comfortable, they should start leaning into the edge more to increase control.
  • Progress Gradually: Start with simple, wide turns and progress to tighter turns and leaning into the edge as comfort and skill improve.
  • Application to All Skills: Strong outside edge control is crucial for all skating skills, including turning, gliding, crossovers, and stops. Consistent practice will lead to overall better skating performance.


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