One Legged Stop

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This video by Dwayne Blais provides a step-by-step guide to performing one-foot stops on both inside and outside edges, highlighting their importance for developing balance, control, and versatility in hockey skating skills.

Coaching Points:

  • Master One-Foot Stops on Both Edges: Teach players to perform stops using both the inside and outside edges of one foot, focusing on balance and control to enhance agility on the ice.
  • Proper Body Alignment: Emphasize turning the head, shoulders, and hips while staying centered over the blade to maintain stability and prevent falling during the stop.
  • Focus on the Ball of the Foot: Players should maintain their weight on the ball of the foot, avoiding leaning too far back on the heel or forward on the toe, to ensure a controlled stop and effective edge engagement.
  • Practice in Neutral Position: Start drills with players in a neutral stance, sliding and stopping on one foot while maintaining bent knees and proper body alignment for better balance and edge control.
  • Integrate Stops with Other Skills: Encourage players to use one-foot stops in various situations, such as tight turns, cutbacks, and defensive maneuvers, to develop versatile skating techniques.
  • Utilize In-Game Scenarios: Demonstrate how one-foot stops can be used in real-game situations, like changing direction quickly, evading defenders, or performing spin moves, to improve overall skating effectiveness.

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