The Nobles 2 V 2 Transition Game practices quick transitions & offensive attack principles.
- Inside the zone, start a 2 v 2 game.
- The defending team has 2 players along the boards.
- The offensive team is trying to score, while the defending team is trying to get the puck to their teammates on the boards.
- When the defending team gets possession of the puck and passes to their teammates on the boards, the players on the boards transition to offense, and the players that were previously playing offense in the 2 v 2 transition to defense.
- The game is continuous, the offensive team is trying to score, while the defending team is trying to get the puck to their teammates on the boards.
Coaching Points
- Offensive Players:
- Practice quick transitions
- Get to the net
- Utilize switches and exchanges with your teammates
- Practice quick release catch and release shots
- Defensive Players:
- Keep puck to the outside
- Keep stick on the ice to block passing and shooting lanes
- Transition the puck quickly to your teammates on the boards when you gain possession
Can play Nobles 2 v 2 + 2 Teammates Transition Game which keeps the players on the boards active which will make the games a 4 v 2.