How to Teach Forward Cross Overs

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This video explains the technique and key points for performing forward crossovers in hockey, focusing on maintaining balance, using proper edge work, and effectively coordinating upper and lower body movements.

Coaching Points:

  • Maintain Proper Body Position: Keep your body weight centered over your skates with knees bent, shoulders over knees, and head up to maintain balance and control during crossovers.
  • Use Inside and Outside Edges: Emphasize proper use of inside and outside edges of the skates to push off and glide effectively during crossovers.
  • Coordinate Upper and Lower Body Movements: Ensure your upper body remains stable and in line with your lower body movements to maximize efficiency and speed.
  • Practice Wide Steps and Strong Pushes: Encourage wide steps and strong pushes with each crossover to generate more power and cover more ice.
  • Focus on Smooth Transitions: Aim for smooth transitions between crossovers to maintain momentum and speed without losing balance.
  • Increase Speed Gradually: Start slow to perfect technique, then gradually increase speed to develop quicker and more powerful crossovers.

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