Crossover Starts - From Stop to Explosive Start

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This video explains how to perform a crossover start in hockey, focusing on using proper technique to transition from a stop into an explosive, quick start.


Positioning: Begin in a low stance with weight on the balls of your feet, ensuring you're ready to push off powerfully.
Crossover Pushes: After stopping, push with your outside foot, crossing it over and leading with the toe to maximize power.
Under Push: Follow the crossover with a strong push from your inside edge, making sure to open your toe and lift your heel for the next push.
Head and Shoulders Lead: Turn your head and shoulders first, ensuring your body and feet follow in the same direction for a smooth transition.
Avoid Common Mistakes: Don’t lift your body upwards when starting; instead, focus on moving outwards, and make sure to control your upper body and stick for balance and control.

These points help players develop a quick and efficient crossover start, improving their acceleration on the ice.

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