Backward Skating Progression - Beginner to Advanced

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This video explains how to teach backward skating, starting from the basics for young players and progressing to advanced techniques for experienced players, focusing on proper form, balance, and effective use of C-pushes.


Maintain a Good Hockey Stance: Keep knees bent, shoulders over knees, and head up to maintain balance and control while skating backward.
Push with Front Corner of Blade: When pushing backward, use the front corner of the skate blade to make a strong C-push, extending the stride in front of your body.
Minimize Upper Body Movement: Keep the upper body stable and limit movement to avoid giving opponents any advantages during backward skating.
One-Leg Pushes: Start with single-leg pushes, focusing on pushing out with one leg while the other leg tracks straight, then switch to the other leg.
Progress to Two-Leg Skating: Once comfortable with one-leg pushes, add the second leg to make continuous C-pushes while maintaining a straight path.
Smaller C-Pushes at Speed: As players get faster, their C-pushes should become smaller and quicker, allowing for more efficient movement.
Stay on the Balls of Feet: Encourage players to stay on the balls of their feet for better lateral movement and responsiveness during transitions.

This progression helps players develop the skills needed for effective backward skating, from beginners to advanced players.

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