Advanced Balance and Agility

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This video introduces advanced balance and agility exercises for hockey players, using modifications and added challenges like knee drops with turns, jumps, and obstacles to enhance their on-ice skills.

Coaching Points:

  • Add Rotations to Basic Moves: Incorporate 180 or 360-degree turns into knee drops to challenge players’ balance and agility while transitioning between forward and backward skating.
  • Incorporate Single-Leg Drills: Practice jumps and glides on one leg to improve strength, balance, and coordination.
  • Use Obstacles for Jumps: Add obstacles like sticks or cones to increase difficulty and improve players’ jumping ability and spatial awareness.
  • Include Stomach Drops: Have players practice falling onto their stomachs and getting up quickly to simulate real-game scenarios and improve recovery skills.
  • Make Drills Dynamic and Engaging: Combine various balance and agility drills with regular practice routines to keep training engaging and help players build confidence on their skates.
  • Emphasize Continuous Improvement: Regularly challenge players with new variations of balance and agility drills to promote ongoing development and adaptability on the ice.

Skill Level:

  • Skill Level: These drills are ideal for players who are already comfortable on their skates and are looking to develop their balance, agility, and overall skating skills further.

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