3 v 3 Multiple Pucks

3 v 3 Multiple Pucks

This is a fun small area game that requires heightened awareness and communication between the player.  The 3 pucks add a different element of strategy and the game creates a lot of offensive and defensive opportunities.


  • Set up cross ice nets with goalies in one of the zones
  • Place 3 pucks in the middle of the ice
  • On the whistle 3 players from each team play a 3v3 game
  • All pucks are active and eligible to score
  • Players keep playing until all pucks are scored or the coach blows down the whistle

Coaching Points

  • Play with your head up to be aware of everything happening
  • Transition to the areas of need and try to keep yourself in good positions to score and defend
  • Communicate with your teammates is critical in this game

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